Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body, 10th Edition by Taylor-Cohen – Test Bank
1. Hormones attach to plasma membrane proteins called ______.
2. The building blocks of protein hormones are ______.
3. Lipid hormones derived from cholesterol are called ____________.
4. Lipid hormones are made from _______.
5. ACTH acts on the adrenal ______.
6. The gland just superior to each kidney is the __________________.
7. The part of the brain that regulates the release of anterior pituitary hormones is the
8. A hormone from the posterior pituitary that is involved in water balance is ______.
9. Growth hormone is also known as ______.
10. The hormone produced by the pineal gland is ______.
Answer Key
1. receptors
2. amino acids
3. steroid hormones
4. fatty acids
5. cortex
6. adrenal gland
7. hypothalamus
8. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
9. somatotropin
10. melatonin