Visual Anatomy & Physiology 3rd Edition By Martini – Test Bank
Chapter 11 Nervous Tissue
Multiple Choice Questions
1) Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system?
A) sense the internal and external environments
B) integrate sensory information
C) coordinate voluntary and involuntary activities
D) direct long-term functions, such as growth
E) control peripheral effectors
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 11.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding
2) The ________ nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord.
A) autonomic
B) peripheral
C) central
D) efferent
E) afferent
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 11.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
3) The ________ nervous system controls the skeletal muscles.
A) sympathetic
B) parasympathetic
C) afferent
D) somatic
E) autonomic
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 11.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
4) The ________ nervous system provides involuntary regulation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activity.
A) somatic
B) autonomic
C) sensory division of the peripheral
D) automatic
E) special sensory
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 11.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
5) The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the
A) brain.
B) spinal cord.
C) nerve.
D) glial cell.
E) neuron.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 11.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
6) The plasma membrane of an axon is called the
A) axon hillock.
B) axoplasm.
C) axolemma.
D) axon terminal.
E) axokaryon.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 11.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
7) The cytoplasm that surrounds the nucleus of a neuron is called the
A) protoplasm.
B) nucleoplasm.
C) sarcoplasm.
D) neuroplasm.
E) perikaryon.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 11.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
8) Clusters of RER and free ribosomes in neurons are called
A) neurofilaments.
B) neurofibrils.
C) perikaryon.
D) Nissl bodies.
E) microglia.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 11.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
9) The axon is connected to the cell body at the
A) telodendria.
B) synaptic knobs.
C) collateral branches.
D) axon hillock.
E) synapse.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 11.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering
10) Branches that may occur along an axon are called
A) dendrites.
B) synaptic knobs.
C) collateral branches.
D) hillocks.
E) synapses.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 11.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remembering