Organic Chemistry 11th Edition By Francis Carey – Test Bank
2) How many allylic hydrogens are there in 1-ethylcyclohexene?
A) one
B) two
C) four
D) six
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 11.01
Topic: Alkenes
Bloom’s: 2. Understand
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: IUPAC Nomenclature of alkenes
3) Which of the following carbocations is the most stable?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 11.02
Topic: Substitution and Elimination Reactions
Bloom’s: 4. Analyze
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Carbocations
4) Which of the following compounds most readily undergoes solvolysis with methanol?
A) (E)-1-bromo-1-butene
B) 2-bromo-1-butene
C) 3-bromo-1-butene
D) 4-bromo-1-butene
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 11.02
Topic: Substitution and Elimination Reactions
Bloom’s: 4. Analyze
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Carbocations; Factors affecting substitution reactions
5) Rank the following carbocations in decreasing order of stability.
A) I > II > III
B) III > II > I
C) II > I > III
D) They are of equal stability.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 11.02
Topic: Substitution and Elimination Reactions
Bloom’s: 4. Analyze
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Carbocations
8) Which reaction sequence below would work best (and with highest overall yield) in the following conversion?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Answer: B
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 11.03
Topic: Radical Reactions
Bloom’s: 5. Evaluate
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Allylic and benzylic halogenation
15) Which of the following are conjugated dienes?
I. 1,2-octadiene II. 1,3-octadiene III. 2,5-octadiene IV. 1,7-octadiene
A) only I
B) only II
C) I and II
D) II and III
Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 11.05
Topic: Conjugated Dienes and Pericyclic Reactions
Bloom’s: 2. Understand
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Properties of dienes
16) Chlorination of 14C-labeled propene (H214C=CHCH3) with Cl2 at high temperature would give which of the following chloropropenes?
A) only I
B) only II
C) I and II
D) I and III
Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 11.05
Topic: Radical Reactions
Bloom’s: 3. Apply
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Allylic and benzylic halogenation
18) Which compound below has the lowest heat of hydrogenation?
A) 1,5-hexadiene
B) 3,4-hexadiene
C) (E)-1,4-hexadiene
D) (E,E)-2,4-hexadiene
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 11.06
Topic: Alkenes
Bloom’s: 2. Understand
Chapter: 11
Subtopic: Stability of alkenes