International Business The Challenge of Global Competition 13th Edition Donald Ball – Test Bank
Chapter 11
Global Leadership Issues and Practices
True / False Questions
1. International companies need a new kind of leader for the international environment due to increased complexity.
True False
2. There are more global leaders than there is demand for them.
True False
3. A global mindset is built on a thorough knowledge of geography.
True False
4. Leadership involves organizing a group of people in order to achieve a common purpose or goal.
True False
5. Leadership is synonymous with management.
True False
6. Global leaders confront more complex contexts than do domestic leaders.
True False
7. Multiplicity and interdependence are among the four dimensions of complexity identified by scholars.
True False
8. Dynamism means that the leader must be dynamic.
True False
9. Globalization increases the complexity of the external but not the internal context of the company.
True False
10. Egocentric ruthlessness is a leadership trait admired in some cultures, as suggested by Project GLOBE.
True False