Human Anatomy 5Th Edition By Michael McKinley – Test Bank
Chapter 11
Axial Muscles
Multiple Choice Questions
1. When a person blinks she is using her
A. occipitofrontalis muscle.
B. orbicularis oris.
C. procerus.
D. orbicularis oculi.
E. depressor labii inferioris.
- You just ran over a skunk on your way to class. The odor was overwhelming and in response you wrinkled your nose in disgust. You have just used your
A. nasalis muscle.
B. procerus muscle.
C. depressor anguli oris.
D. frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle.
E. occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle.
3. Your favorite niece just gave you a kiss. What muscle did she use?
A. Orbicularis oris
B. Orbicularis oculi
C. Depressor labii inferioris
D. Depressor anguli oris
E. Procerus
- Your professor says something profoundly funny. You are tempted to laugh but because you failed to brush your teeth this morning all you can do is to manage a closed-mouth smile. What muscle are you primarily using?
A. Risorius
B. Platysma
C. Mentalis
D. Levator labii superioris
E. Buccinator
- A nursing baby is using what muscle?
A. Risorius
B. Platysma
C. Mentalis
D. Levator labii superioris
E. Buccinator - The overall recovery rate for idiopathic facial nerve paralysis (Bell palsy) averages about ___________ percent, and does not appear to be related to its treatment.
B. 20
C. 50
D. 70
E. 80
- The frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle causes what action?
A. Sneering
B. Smiling
C. Flares the nostrils
D. Wrinkles the brow (forehead)
E. Frown
9. The muscle that causes the look of fear by tensing the skin of the neck is the
A. buccinator.
B. orbicularis oris.
C. zygomaticus major.
D. orbicularis oculi.
E. platysma
- You hear a sharp noise to your left causing you to shift your eyes in that direction. Which muscles were responsible for your glance?
A. Left eye – lateral rectus, right eye – medial rectus
B. Left eye – medial rectus, right eye – lateral rectus
C. Left eye and right eye – lateral rectus
D. Left eye and right eye – medial rectus
E. Left eye – superior oblique, right eye – inferior oblique