Business A Practical Introduction By Williams – Test Bank
Chapter 11 Human Resource Management
1) A job description outlines the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform the job successfully.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The minimum qualifications needed to perform a job are called the job specification.
Page Ref: 317
Learning Outcome: Summarize the functions carried out by human resources
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.1 Why is human resource management important, and how are needs determined?
Classification: Concept
2) The productive potential of employee experience, knowledge, and actions is known as human resources.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Productive employee potential is known as human capital.
Page Ref: 317
Learning Outcome: Summarize the functions carried out by human resources
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.1 Why is human resource management important, and how are needs determined?
Classification: Concept
3) Negotiations between management and employees regarding disputes over compensation, benefits, working conditions, and job security is called collective bargaining.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Collective bargaining is done through labor unions. The National Labor Relations Board establishes the rules for collective bargaining.
Page Ref: 319
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.2 To avoid exposing myself and my organization to legal liabilities, what areas of the law do I need to be aware of?
Classification: Concept
4) No employees are exempt from overtime pay rules established by the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Executive, administrative, and professional employees who earn salaries rather than hourly wages are exempt from overtime rules.
Page Ref: 319
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.2 To avoid exposing myself and my organization to legal liabilities, what areas of the law do I need to be aware of?
Classification: Concept
5) Unstructured interviews are susceptible to legal challenges from job candidates.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Because unstructured interviews do not use identical, fixed questions for every candidate and are not systematically scored, they can be subject to an interviewer’s personal biases. For this reason, large companies and government organizations rarely use unstructured interviews.
Page Ref: 330
Learning Outcome: Summarize the functions carried out by human resources
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.3 How do firms get the best people and train them to do their best work?
Classification: Concept
6) An employment test that is considered valid measures what it claims to measure and is free of any bias.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In testing, validity refers to a test measuring what it purports to measure and being free of bias. Invalid tests can present legal problems for a company if they are challenged in court.
Page Ref: 330
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.3 How do firms get the best people and train them to do their best work?
Classification: Concept
7) Shadowing is when a manager watches a recent employee to ensure he or she is performing effectively in the new job.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Shadowing is when an employee who is being trained on the job watches more experienced employees to learn the necessary skills.
Page Ref: 332
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.3 How do firms get the best people and train them to do their best work?
Classification: Concept
8) In a 360-degree assessment, employees are appraised by their managers, coworkers, subordinates, and customers.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: A 360-degree assessment provides an employee with multiple perspectives on his or her performance.
Page Ref: 337
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.4 How should I handle employee evaluations, and how should I handle evaluations of me?
Classification: Concept
9) Rank-and-yank performance evaluations are grounded in a performance bell curve.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: This system distributes employee performance grades in a bell curve. Top graders earn bonuses or promotions, and low graders are warned or dismissed. This is also called a forced ranking performance review system.
Page Ref: 337
Learning Outcome: Summarize the functions carried out by human resources
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.4 How should I handle employee evaluations, and how should I handle evaluations of me?
Classification: Concept
10) The primary goal of conducting performance appraisals is to determine compensation adjustments for the next year.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The point of appraisals is to help employees deliver better performance.
Page Ref: 338
Learning Outcome: Summarize the functions carried out by human resources
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 11.4 How should I handle employee evaluations, and how should I handle evaluations of me?
Classification: Concept