Buildings Across Time An Introduction To World Architecture 5th Edition By Michael Fazio – Test Bank
Chapter 11 Renaissance Architecture
1) The Vitruvian Man is:
A) an ideal ancient Roman man.
B) a man’s figure inscribed inside a circle and a square.
C) an ideal Renaissance citizen.
D) a man’s figure seen in dramatic perspective.
E) None of the answers is correct.
Answer: B
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2) Masaccio’s The Trinity:
A) demonstrates Brunelleschi’s method of linear perspective.
B) depicts the ideal Renaissance central-plan church.
C) depicts the Father, Son, and Holy spirit.
D) demonstrates the Renaissance technique of sfumato.
E) None of the answers is correct.
Answer: A
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3) Brunelleschi set off for Rome after losing a competition to design a new set of bronze doors for the baptistery of Florence Cathedral to:
A) Masaccio.
B) Donatello.
C) Leonardo da Vinci.
D) Ghiberti.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: D
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4) The medieval inspiration for Brunelleschi’s Florence Cathedral dome is revealed by its:
A) concealed flying buttresses.
B) pointed-arch profile.
C) exposed ribs.
D) Gothic ornamentation.
E) Corinthian columns.
Answer: B
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5) The church of S. Spirito in Florence illustrates Brunelleschi’s use of:
A) the ideal Renaissance central plan.
B) groin vaults.
C) the system of modular planning.
D) the ancient Roman system of measurement.
E) Gothic forms.
Answer: C
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6) To frame, or set off, architectural elements on the Pazzi Chapel’s interior, Brunelleschi used:
A) marbleized plaster.
B) gray pietra serena.
C) polychromatic mosaic tiles.
D) carrara marble.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: B
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7) To give his Medici Palace in Florence a fortified appearance, Michelozzo used:
A) a moat.
B) crenelations.
C) corner turrets.
D) rustication.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: D
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8) Leon Battista Alberti’s Della pittura was dedicated to:
A) Luca della Robbia.
B) Ghiberti.
C) Masaccio.
D) Donatello.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
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9) Alberti modeled his De re aedificatoria, or On Building, on:
A) Vitruvius’s The Ten Books of Architecture.
B) his close study of classical ruins in Florence.
C) an unfinished treatise by Brunelleschi.
D) Pliny the Elder’s On Architecture.
E) None of the answers is correct.
Answer: A
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10) At the Rucellai Palace façade, Alberti used:
A) the nearby Medici Palace as a model.
B) twin cortile, or courtyards.
C) Brunelleschi as a consultant.
D) superimposed Doric and Corinthian orders.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: D
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