Business Law Principles For Today’s Commercial Environment 3rd Edition By David – Test Bank
Chapter 11—CYBERLAW
1. The term “cyberlaw” refers to laws and precedent applicable to Internet transactions and communications.
ANS: T MSC: AACSB Analytic
2. Cyberlaw is a completely new area of law, unrelated to any established field of law.
ANS: F MSC: AACSB Analytic
3. The term “cyberspace” describes the World Wide Web and Internet communication.
ANS: T MSC: AACSB Analytic
4. Cyberlaw includes the area of criminal law.
ANS: T MSC: AACSB Analytic
5. The law of real property is included in those categories of legal issues covered by cyberlaw.
ANS: F MSC: AACSB Analytic
6. Employers have access and control rights to their employees’ e-mail.
ANS: T MSC: AACSB Analytic
7. Employers are required to give notice to employees that they will monitor their employees’ e-mail.
ANS: F MSC: AACSB Analytic
8. The tort of apprehension involves taking an image, likeness, or name for purposes of commercial advantage.
ANS: F MSC: AACSB Analytic
9. The elements of defamation remain the same in cyberspace
ANS: T MSC: AACSB Analytic
10. Defamation in cyberspace requires the plaintiff to show the same elements as are required under traditional defamation law, but the potential for larger damage awards may be much greater for defamation in cyberspace.
ANS: T MSC: AACSB Analytic
11. Individuals who post defamatory messages in a “chat room” are protected from liability for defamation.
ANS: F MSC: AACSB Analytic