Pathways To Astronomy 5th Edition By Steven Schneider – Test Bank
Part 4 Test Bank – Stars and Stellar Evolution
The study of waves inside the sun is called …
1. The study of waves inside the sun is called _____.
A. solar waveology
B. helioseismology
C. corona holes
D. photospheric waves
Began in 1960s.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 51.05
Section: 54.02
Subtopic: Solar Activity
Subtopic: Solar Interior Structure
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 51
The sun does not expand or contract because…
2. The sun does not expand or contract because it is in a state of ______.
A. convective equilibrium
B. coronal equilibrium
C. photosphere equilibrium
D. hydrostatic equilibrium
All stars that are normal are doing this.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 51.02
Subtopic: Interior Dynamics of the Sun
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Solar Interior Structure
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 51
This part of the sun’s atmosphere is at a temperature about 1,000,000 K:
3. This part of the sun’s atmosphere is at a temperature about 1,000,000 K:
A. photosphere
B. chromosphere
C. corona
D. spicule
Thin, but molecules are moving fast.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 51.04
Subtopic: Solar Atmosphere
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 51
Granulation on the Sun is evidence of
4. Granulation on the Sun is evidence of
A. convection in the photosphere.
B. seismic activity in the core of the Sun.
C. magnetic activity in the corona.
D. spicules in the chromosphere.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 51.03
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Solar Interior Structure
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 51
The core of the sun moves energy primarily b…
5. The core of the sun moves energy primarily by convection.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 51.03
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Solar Interior Structure
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 51
A good analogy for magnetic waves in the sol…
6. A good analogy for magnetic waves in the solar atmosphere is similar to cracking a whip.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 2. Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 51.04
Subtopic: Solar Atmosphere
Subtopic: Solar Magnetic Field
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 51
In E=mc2 -c stands for _____.
7. In E=mc2 -c stands for _____.
A. speed of sound
B. energy construction
C. speed of light
D. energy of fusion
300,000 km/sec
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 52.01
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Proton-proton Chain
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 52
The force that holds the nucleus of the atom…
8. The force that holds the nucleus of the atom together is called the _____.
A. weak force
B. nuclear force
C. neutron force
D. E-M force
Strongest but short ranged.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 52.01
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Proton-proton Chain
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 52
This is an almost massless particle that is …
9. This is an almost massless particle that is produced in fusion:
A. proton
B. electron
C. neutron
D. neutrino
Means ghost particle.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 52.02
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Neutrinos
Subtopic: Proton-proton Chain
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 52
The Sun’s source of energy is
10. The Sun’s source of energy is
A. fission of heavy elements.
B. fusion of hydrogen into helium.
C. combustion of hydrogen with oxygen.
D. heat generated by gravity.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Gradable: automatic
Part 4
Section: 52.02
Subtopic: Interior Processes for the Sun
Subtopic: Proton-proton Chain
Topic: The Sun
Unit: 52