Anatomy & Physiology The Unity Of Form And Function 8th Edition By Saladin – Test Bank
True / False Questions
5. Extensibility refers to the ability of a muscle to stretch.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G02.03 Compare and contrast the characteristics of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle.
HAPS Topic: Module G02 Identification, general location, and comparative characteristics of skeletal, smooth,
Learning Outcome: 11.01a Describe the physiological properties that all muscle types have in common.
Section: 11.01
Topic: General functions of muscle tissue
6. A dark band formed by parallel thick filaments that partly overlap the thin filaments is known as an H band.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.01 Describe the organization of muscle tissue from cell to whole muscle to groups of muscles.
HAPS Objective: G03.04 Explain the organization of a myofibril.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 11.02b Relate the striations of a muscle fiber to the overlapping arrangement of its protein filaments.
Section: 11.02
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle
7. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.03 Describe a skeletal muscle fiber including the transverse (T) tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrils.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 11.02a Describe the structural components of a muscle fiber.
Section: 11.02
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle
8. Clinically, dystrophin is the most important noncontractile protein to occur in muscle fibers.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.05 Name, and describe the function of, each of the contractile, regulatory, and structural protein components of a sarcomere.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 11.02c Name the major proteins of a muscle fiber and state the function of each.
Section: 11.02
Topic: Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle
9. The sliding filament theory of muscle contraction has emerged from research only in the last 10 to 15 years.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G04.01 Explain the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
HAPS Topic: Module G04 Physiology of skeletal muscle contraction.
Learning Outcome: 11.04c Explain the mechanism of muscle contraction.
Section: 11.04
Topic: Physiology of skeletal muscle contraction
10. A deficiency of acetylcholine receptors leads to muscle paralysis in myasthenia gravis.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.06 Describe the anatomy of the neuromuscular junction.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 11.04a Explain how a nerve fiber stimulates a skeletal muscle fiber.
Section: 11.04
Topic: Clinical applications of the muscular system
Topic: Physiology of skeletal muscle contraction
11. An isometric contraction does not change muscle length.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G06.05 Demonstrate isotonic and isometric contraction and interpret graphs of tension vs. time and muscle length vs. time for each type of contraction.
HAPS Topic: Module G06 Principles and types of whole muscle contraction.
Learning Outcome: 11.05c Distinguish between isometric and isotonic contraction.
Section: 11.05
Topic: Physiology of skeletal muscle contraction
12. Some smooth muscle is autorhythmic.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G02.03 Compare and contrast the characteristics of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle.
HAPS Topic: Module G02 Identification, general location, and comparative characteristics of skeletal, smooth,
Learning Outcome: 11.07d Relate the unique properties of smooth muscle to its locations and functions.
Section: 11.07
Topic: Identification, location, and comparison of three types of muscle tissue