Abnormal Or Exceptional Mental Health Literacy For Child And Youth Care Canadian 1st Edition By Gural – Test Bank
Multiple Choice Questions
Learning Objective A1.1 – Summarize the psychological and CYC perspectives of youth suicide.
1. The term________________is a general term which refers to ideas, thoughts, and acts associated with intentionally taking one’s own life.
a) suicide
b) suicidal behaviour
c) suicidal ideation
d) suicidal attempt
Answer: B
Page Reference: 424
Skill: factual; Difficulty: easy
2. Suicidal behaviour is included in what category of the DSM-5?
a) Impulsive behaviour disorders
b) Mood Disturbances
c) Conditions for Further Study
d) None of the above—suicidal behaviour is not discussed in the DSM-5
Answer: C
Page Reference: 425
Skill: factual; Difficulty: moderate
3. When it comes to the DSM-5 and suicidal behaviour, which of the following is true?
a) It is possible to be diagnosed with Suicidal Behaviour Disorder
b) Suicidal behaviour is discussed in every chapter of the DSM-5
c) Suicidal Behaviour Disorder no longer appears in the DSM
d) The diagnostic category of Suicidal Behaviour Disorder has not yet been verified by research
Answer: D
Page Reference: 425
Skill: factual; Difficulty: challenging
4. Suicidal behaviour is often categorized on the basis of each of the following EXCEPT
a) age of the individual
b) the degree of impulsivity associated with the behaviour
c) medical consequences of the act
d) violence of the method
Answer: A
Page Reference: 425
Skill: factual; Difficulty: moderate
5. From a CYC approach, suicide is best viewed as
a) a private, individual, and personal problem
b) a problem that arises from structural/societal forces
c) the responsibility of the individual
d) a problem associated with particular personality traits
Answer: B
Page Reference: 426
Skill: conceptual; Difficulty: moderate
6. What can be concluded regarding genetics and suicide?
a) Little research has been done to investigate the role of genetics in suicidal behaviour
b) Genetics do not seem to play a role in suicidal behaviour
c) There appears to be a genetic diathesis for suicidal behaviour
d) Evidence suggests that genes play a role in suicidal behaviour for males but not for females
Answer: C
Page Reference: 430
Skill: conceptual; Difficulty: moderate
7. The_________________has been found to be associated with suicide.
a) hippocampus
b) amygdala
c) nucleus accumbens
d) prefrontal cortex
Answer: D
Page Reference: 430
Skill: factual; Difficulty: moderate
8. Levels of the neurotransmitter__________has been found to be associated suicide.
a) dopamine
b) serotonin
c) epinephrine
d) oxytocin
Answer: B
Page Reference: 431
Skill: factual; Difficulty: moderate
9. According to the ______________paradigm, suicidal behaviour is a way to release the intense anger experienced toward a lost love object.
a) Psychodynamic
b) Behavioural
c) Cognitive
d) Sociocultural
Answer: A
Page Reference: 431
Skill: conceptual; Difficulty: moderate
10. According to the cognitive paradigm, an important factor in relation to suicidal behaviour is
a) anger turned inward
b) social isolation from peers
c) pessimistic thinking
d) insecure attachment
Answer: C
Page Reference: 432
Skill: conceptual; Difficulty: moderate
11. From a CYC perspective, it is important to be aware of ________________factors when considering youth suicide.
a) predisposing, precipitating, contributing, and protective
b) universal, specific, targeted, and social
c) independent, passive, negative, and avoidant
d) neurotic, dependent, attachment, and coping
Answer: A
Page Reference: 434-435
Skill: factual; Difficulty: easy